Nashville, TN - If you want your Holiday Corn Dog shipments to arrive in time for Christmas, you'd better make plans to get them to the post office this Friday. Friday is the last day that the post office guarantees your corn dogs will be delivered on time.
Becky Anderson, a holiday shipping expert, offers the following five tips for a stress-free corn dog send-off:
1. Mail from Home. If possible, ship your dogs right from the comfort of your own home by pre-purchasing stamps or buying them online. The average corn dog requires $1.28 in postage.
2. Pick the Right Envelope. Fortunately, a standard #10 envelope (4 1/8 x 9 1/2) is ideal for the average corn dog, which is about 7.8 inches. Smaller or odd-shaped envelopes can cause permanent damage to the shape of the dog.
3. Write...Then Stuff. It is highly recommended that you address the envelope before stuffing the corn dog inside. Due to the shape of the corn dog and the consistency of the breading, filling out the envelope first will make your task so much easier. It will also prevent any ink from seeping through and contaminating your dog.
4. Hold the Mustard. Instead of applying the mustard before shipping, try including a sealed package in the envelope for added freshness.
5. Wet Wipe Their Appetite. Consider adding a surprise wet wipe in the envelope for easy clean-up. This little extra touch can really show the recipient how much you care about their hygiene. Please note that the average Moist Towelette will add 8 cents in postage, in case money is an issue.
Anderson points out that these tips can also be applied to mailing many other holiday favorites including cookies, fruit cake, and banana pudding.