Nashville, TN - Life-long race fan and Nashville native, Chuck Guthrie, told reporters this morning that he literally died and went to heaven last night after choking on a chicken wing downtown. Guthrie claims that he was welcomed to heaven by NASCAR Champion, Kyle Busch, who was doing donuts in a field of clouds.
"I was just having a few cold ones and watching the NASCAR festivities when I started choking," Guthrie told journalists. "Next thing I know, I'm following a crowd down a smoky tunnel into this field where Rowdy (Kyle Busch) was doing donuts and burnouts in a cloud."
Guthrie doesn't remember a lot of details about his experience except an angel handing him a cold beer and that a lot of the clouds he saw had sponsorships. He says he was revived by a taxi driver outside his house and recalls feeling a deep sadness that he didn't get to stay in heaven.
Guthrie said, "But hey, it gives me something to look forward to. 'Cause I'm telling you, heaven is a NASCAR Heaven."
The Inquisitor could not identify any witnesses to verify Guthrie's story, but one downtown bartender says she remembers calling a taxi for an intoxicated man fitting Guthrie's description.