Nashville, TN - With over 4.3 million Americans quitting their jobs in August, and millions more inspired by their courage, we thought it was the perfect time to answer one of the most common questions in Quitting Etiquette:
Should I use one middle finger or two when leaving my job?
While the decision ultimately comes down to personal preference, there are pros and cons to each.
One Middle Finger
A one-middle-finger resignation is the industry standard. It's a tried and true way to clearly say, "I'm leaving and not coming back." Combined with a few choice words, you can never go wrong with a single-finger notice.
On the other hand, some say that it has been overused and lacks originality. Some managers say that when employees give a single-digit resignation, it confirms they lacked initiative and creativity on the job.
Two Middle Fingers
Many industry experts say that two middle fingers are twice as powerful as one, but others say it is overkill.
On the surface, a double-digit resignation shows you are an ex-employee who goes the extra mile, but it can also draw attention to yourself and away from the message you are trying to send.
Opponents of the two-finger notice say that it's excessive and can come across as gloating and disrespectful.
Beyond a standard one-finger or two-finger resignation, there are variations in each category you may want to consider.
For a one-finger notice, you may choose the "I've got something in my pocket" method, the "wind up," or the "read between the lines," among countless others.
For a double-digit resignation, you may want to consider the "gunslinger" or the "double turn it up," among others.
Check online for more variations. There are plenty of resources.
No matter which you choose, a one or two-finger resignation will get the job done, literally.
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