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'To the man who bought my coffee at Starbucks this morning: Thanks, but I wanted the points'

Nashville, TN - Nashville native Jennifer Antilles took to social media on Thursday after the man ahead of her in the Starbucks drive-thru paid for her extra hot grande mocha latte, 3 shot, with breve, 1 pump vanilla, 1.5 pump caramel, 2 Splenda.

Her Facebook post read, "To the man who bought my coffee at Starbucks this morning: Thanks, but I wanted the points."

Antilles went on to explain she is only five points away from earning a free drink, and her order would have placed her over the top if the stranger hadn't intervened.

"I don't mean to be mean, but I wanted to redeem my free drink on Friday. Now, I'm going to have to buy my Friday drink and use my free drink on Saturday," wrote Antilles.

Over two dozen of Antilles' friends "Cared" for her post, and she received multiple comments from supportive friends.

"I'm so sorry this happen to you," wrote Beverly Billings. "Why can't people mind their own business?"

Amber Calloway commented, "So frustrating. Did you get his license plate? Maybe you can sue. I know Bart Durham."

Inquisitor Nashville was able to track down the man for comment. He only said, "No good deed, right?"

No one on the Inquisitor Nashville staff has any idea what that means.

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