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Amid truck driver shortage, nation's strongmen called to move containers across U.S.

Long Beach, CA - Amid an unprecedented truck driver shortage, the Transcontinental Shipping Council (TSC) is calling on the nation's strongmen and strongwomen to help move loaded containers across the country.

"Your country needs you," wrote a TSC spokesperson. "Even if you can only move a container a few feet, we gladly welcome your help."

Authorities say hundreds of containers in California ports are just waiting to be unloaded or transported to their final destinations. But the country requires 80,000 truck drivers to accomplish the task.

TSC leaders hope using strongmen and strongwomen will help ease the burden while new truck drivers complete semi-truck driving school.

The TSC spokesperson told reporters, "Utilizing our country's vast community of strong people is our best and most efficient way of getting this cargo moved without months of driving instruction. We need to make this happen."

Interested strong people are encouraged to sign up on the TSC website.

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