Nashville, TN - Nashville school teacher, Ginger Adams had high hopes for romance on Thursday night until her blind date, Jimmy Spalding, suggested that they go "halfsies" on the BOGO special at Olive Garden. Adams reportedly politely excused herself to go to the ladies' room and snuck out a side door.
"It wasn't about splitting the bill," Adams told reporters. "It was because the free meal was one you take to-go. His plan was for him to eat at the table while I watch, then I eat in the car on the way to movies. And who says, 'halfsies' these days?"
Our investigative reporter caught up with Spalding two hours later. He was still at the table, nibbling on a packaged to-go meal. When asked about the "halfsies" comment, Spalding said, "I was just kidding, man. I mean, unless she wants to. I'm cool with that. I'll ask her again when she gets back from the bathroom."
An unnamed server said Spalding continued to stall paying the bill for two more hours by requesting multiple orders of free breadsticks. A manager finally approached him around 9:30 p.m. to ask him to settle the bill. Spalding reportedly said he was waiting on someone and asked for separate checks, despite their only being one meal.
Spalding sent several text messages from the Olive Garden parking lot asking Adams for a second date. He also requested some gas money.