Nashville, TN - With more seasonal festivities than ever this year in Nashville, one Middle Tennessee family is struggling to decide which overpriced holiday event to blow their savings on this year.
Husband and father of two, Tom Belmont told reporters, "We know we could hit the usual spots, but we were hoping to fork-out hundreds for something new this year."
Belmont said they have narrowed it down to a new glowy event downtown, Cheekwood or a weekend trip to Gatlinburg for even more expense. "This is unusual," Belmont said. "We're only a few weeks away from Christmas and I'm not stressed about money yet. We've got to make up our minds soon."
Belmont said he plans to finance the festivities by dipping into his oldest son's college fund until he gets his Christmas bonus in mid-December. He just hopes the bonus will cover the cost of seeing some lights.